How is an FWQ Ranking Calculated?

Your top three finishes at IFSA-sanctioned Freeride events will be included in your Freeride ranking.

Please note the difference between your Region 2 Freeride ranking and your position on the Global Seeding List (also known as the 52-week seed list). Your Global Seeding List ranking is composed of your top three finishes anywhere in the world, and is used to establish your registration priority for events. Riders with a higher Global Seeding List ranking will be offered registration priority to all events over riders with lower rankings on the seed list. Your Region 2 ranking is composed of your top three finishes in the Western Hemisphere or Region 2 (Canada, U.S.A. Chile, & Argentina).  

2023 IFSA North American Qualifiers

  • Backcountry Access
  • Flyin Ryan Hawks
  • CAST
  • Western Colorado University
  • SHRED Optics
  • My Wicked Dude
  • Skicom For Freeskiers 1